Building a stable business in a shifting economy

Owning your own business is the best way to have a life you love.



I’ve worked with entrepreneurs as a CPA for over twenty-two years, helping them run financially successful companies.


Now, I’m using my experience and wisdom as a business coach for service providers.

It takes time to build a stable business that can withstand economic ups and downs. But, when you’re intentional and determined, it’s the best thing you can do in your business.

Every publication, video, email, and program I create has one mission – to help business owners like yourself pursue their goals and dreams.


This free guide helps you take the essential first step to thrive despite the ups and downs of running a business. 


Whether you’re trying to 

  • Make reliable profits
  • Adapt to industry changes
  • Survive this roller coaster economy


This guide is for you.

It teaches you how to get started on the right foot, and. . .

See results right away.

Susan W Brown Business Coach photo

Get Your FREE REPORT on Building a Stable Business in a Shifting Economy.

When the root is deep, there is no reason to fear the wind.
--African Proverb
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